2006-03-10    安恒公司 产品部   
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DTX升级电缆认证测试仪新增DTX-NSM网络测试模块,此次正式发布版本DTX V1.3 和LinkWare V2.5,升级主要有以下改动:

  1. 电缆标准的改动
    • Cat 6A升级至草案3.0版。(New tighter Return Loss limit line for Perm. Link永久链路的回波损耗比以前的要求严格了2.0dB)
    • TSB-155升级到Draft 3.0
    • 删除了ISO AugCl Pl E 3N753 (ISO 目前不支持这个标准的永久链路测试)
    • ISO AugCl CH E 3N753 改为ISO Class Ea Channel
    • 增加了新的SYSTIMAX,SIEMON,Gigamedia 电缆类型
    • 新增了ADC TrueNet 光缆
    • Panduit TX6000 LSZH 设为UTP
  2. 主要新功能
    • 支持DTX-NSM网络测试模块
    • 升级至V1.3版后,删除的测试报告可以恢复。适用于内部存储器和MMC卡。方法是:先关机。按F1和EXIT键后开机
    • 可在设置中让HDTDX和HDTDR在每次测试时都启动。测试时间会增加6秒钟
    • 光缆损耗测试出现负值结果是会有警告提示
  3. 详细升级信息请联系安恒公司技术部

Changes to DTX Version 1.3

Don’t forget to update to LinkWare 2.5

1.     Cable / Spec Database Changes (click here for limit lines)

  • Updated Augmented Category 6 Limits to Draft 3.0 (New tighter Return Loss limit line for Perm. Link) If you are currently testing to TIA AugCat6 PL dr1.4, please consult your cable vendor/consultant/customer before updating the DTX CableAnalyzer. The limit has tightened by 2.0 dB for Return Loss. This is a draft standard and subject to further possible changes. We are committed to keeping the DTX current with TIA drafts. Once you have updated the DTX, it cannot be downgraded to a previous version.
  • Updated TSB-155 to Draft 3.0
  • Removed ISO AugCl Pl E 3N753 (ISO will not support Permanent Link testing at this time).
  • ISO AugCl CH E 3N753 changed to ISO Class Ea Channel.
  • Korean Emblem fiber test standards added.
  • KRONE cables changed to ADC.
  • New SYSTIMAX cables added.
  • New SIEMON cables added.
  • New ADC TrueNet fibers added.
  • New Gigamedia cables added.
  • Added support for LMR-400-75.
  • Panduit TX6000 LSZH set as UTP (was incorrectly set as FTP).
  • Ethernet Outlet Configuration now labeled Ethernet Two Pair to avoid confusion; to be used with 100BASE-TX test limit where 4,5 and 7,8 are not connected.


2.     New Features

  • Support for the DTX-NSM Network Service Module.
  • Outlet Configuration now visible from main Autotest screen.
  • DTX used to prompt users with a message indicating Incompatible Settings, caused by selecting a Cable Type or Outlet Configuration not suitable for the chosen Test Limit. This will no longer happen. If you select TIA Cat 6 Perm. Link for example, it will not allow you to select Crossover as an Outlet Configuration. Incompatible Cable Types or Outlet Configurations are grayed out.
  • Recover deleted test results. If you saved results with Version 1.3 then inadvertently deleted results using your DTX CableAnalyzer, power down the unit, hold down keys F1 and EXIT, power up the DTX and let go of the keys once it has finished playing a tune. This function works for both the Internal Memory and any MMCs inserted using Version 1.3 code. It will not work if you formatted the MMC or have older code.
  • Add setup item to force HDTDR and HDTDX to run with every test. You can find this in Tab 2 of SETUP. It will add approximately 6 seconds to each Autotest. HDTDX and HDTDR normally run on marginal passes or failures only. Since the DTX is so accurate, marginal passes could be with margins as low as 0.3 dB. If the margin is only 1.0 dB, HDTDX will not run and we will need to ask you to run HDTDX in Single Test to help you diagnose the cause of the low margin. Turning this feature on will help us to help you diagnose low margins better.
  • Extended the number of Cable IDs in the preset list from 253 to 2000.
  • Disable shield testing when selecting FTP or SSTP, requested by customers where the channel test has a UTP user cord. The status is shown on the main screen of the DTX so you know whether the shield is being tested or not.
  • Warning message at end of Autotest for negative fiber loss results.
  • Loopback fiber module selftest added.
  • Rollover and Crossover added to Outlet Configuration.
  • Disable Wire Map Checking for Mid-span DTE Testing. Some Mid-span DTE devices do not pass through DC signals making it impossible for the DTX to complete a DC Wire Map measurement. Creating a custom test limit now lets you disable Wire Map checking.


3.     Bug fixes (Non of these affect the outcome of your test results)

  • Wire Map Short circuit graphics misaligned.
  • Coax 10BASE-2, 10BASE-5 Prop Delay not present In Single Test.
  • UI screen continues to show old memory status after format until first save.
  • Autotest: remote beeps on Wire Map failure when audible tone disabled.
  • Coax looping TDR shows an invalid pair.
  • Length error when crossed wires.
  • Software update only looks for lowercase “.dtx” file.
  • Single Test HDTDR and HDTDX do not get Wire Map split pair notification.
  • FOM behavior inconsistent on some test limits when using SimpliFiber.
  • Fail star results not indicated by red asterisk.
  • When 0,00 format selected, the characters are joined.
  • Length pass/fail status should only be shown for shortest pair. This was a confusing screen, now only the shortest pair is indicated with either a pass or fail mark. The others are marked as “i” for information only.
  • Fiber power meter (monitor mode) change wavelength always starts at 850 nm.
  • Looping HDTDR/HDTDX can show clipped section.
  • Memory status improved after save.
  • Panduit TX6000 LSZH set as UTP (was incorrectly set as FTP).


Certify cabling, verify network availability and link connectivity

As network applications evolve and band­width demand increases, so do the testing requirements. Whether you are activating new service, upgrading new infrastruc­ture, performing MACs, troubleshooting a cabling or link connectivity problems, new industry best practices now recommend verifying link connectivity and network availability after certifying each cabling link. They also recommend documenting results in one consolidated report. Doing so provides assurance to your custom­ers that the network infrastructure was delivered in perfect working order. And the Fluke Networks DTX Series CableAnalyzer™ with the new DTX Network Service Module is the way to do just that.

Improve the services you offer

The same familiar tool used industry-wide to certify link transmission performance can now be used to verify and document the availabil­ity of network services over a cabling link. It is simple to operate and quickly provides powerful, valuable information. When you install new links and need to turn up the ser­vice the DTX tester with the Network Service Module lets you document all the network connectivity tests executed as an integrated part of the cable certification documenta­tion provided by LinkWare. This allows you to provide clear evidence to your customers that the job was done right – according to standards and best practices. And, it lets you deliver improved services to end users, elimi­nate callbacks and reduce network downtime.

DTX Network Service Module网络服务测试模块:

  • 测试网络服务:determine whether a telecom outlet is active, identify its data rate (10/100/1000 connection), duplex capabilities, and whether power is available for PoE.
  • 检查链路网络利用率和错误帧情况:see Ethernet utilization of the link-under-test as a percent­age of available bandwidth; identify broadcast traffic and the presence of network error.
  • 端口识别功能:blink switch/hub port light; verify if link-under-test is connected to the proper port or find out where a work area outlet is connected.
  • 验证网络连接情况(支持到千兆以太网): use the DHCP server to get an IP address, ping the default router and DNS Server at 10, 100 or 1000 Mb/s. Or you can assign IP addresses manually to ping network devices.
  • 测试PoE以太网供电参数: verify availability and voltage levels for links connected to power sourcing equipment to supply powered devices (PDs) for Power over Ethernet applications such as VoIP, network cameras, and wireless LAN Access Points.
  • 支持文档备案: Document both cabling link certifica­tion and network availability and link connectivity test results in one con­solidated report using our LinkWare software.
  • 链路故障查找能力: determine whether performance problems are cabling or network-related.  

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